Ask Paco Anything

Ever wondered how to finally escape that paycheck-to-paycheck cycle? Curious about the best ways to optimize your savings account? Or perhaps you're keen to learn about the tech stack I use to manage my finances? Whatever your question, here's your chance to get it answered straight from me, Paco, your trusted guide through the labyrinth of personal finance, the voice behind "Weird Finance," and the author of "Finance for the People."

Why an AMA (Ask Me Anything)?

It's simple: finance can be complicated and downright confusing. Whether you're just starting out or are looking for fresh perspectives, this is the platform to get personalized, straightforward answers. I'm here to demystify the complex world of money management, one question at a time

How it Works

  1. Submit Your Question: Use the form below to ask your question. Make it specific, broad, weird, or straightforward—anything goes. You can also call our hotline and to ask your question by leaving a voicemail 1-833-ASK-PACO.

  2. Tune In: Your questions will be answered on upcoming episodes of the Weird Finance podcast. So make sure to subscribe and listen in—you might just hear your question being tackled on air!

  3. Get More Insights: By submitting your question, you'll be automatically added to our Nerdletter email list, a treasure trove of financial insights, tips, and exclusive content delivered straight to your inbox.

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