Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Understanding Your Credit Score by Paco de Leon

Knowing your credit score is straight forward. You can sign up for an app like Credit Karma and they'll give you credit score. If you apply for a mortgage, the broker will run your credit and they'll tell you your credit score.

Getting your score isn't the problem, the allusiveness lies in understanding how your credit score is actually calculated. The exact formula used to calculate your credit score is like Coca Cola's secret recipe; it's not public information. We do know that calculation consists of five different elements and the weight or level of impact each elements has.

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Everything You Need to Know about IRAs: The Definitive Guide by Paco de Leon

You've probably heard your accountant or that one friend who totally has their shit together talk about how you should be saving for retirement in an IRA. And like a good adult, you probably make all the right noises at the right times to suggest you understand what the hell they're talking about. In case you've been living a lie because you don't really know what the hell an IRA is, I'm here to free you from the shackles of your own confusion. 

So let's go balls deep into the non-sensical world of IRAs.

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What Business Expenses Are Tax Deductible? by Paco de Leon

Disclaimer: I'm not an accountant and this isn't tax advice. 

Alright, alright, alright. Nothing signals the start of tax season like a bunch of creative freelancers emailing me questions about what they can write off on their taxes. But first, maybe you're wondering, "What is a tax write off? And what's the difference between a tax write off and a tax deduction? Is there a difference?"

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Let's Talk About Your Credit Card Debt by Paco de Leon

Before I dive into credit card debt, let's talk about luck, personal responsibility and the role they both play in having your finances in order. I only bring this us up so we can go into this conversation with proper perspective. 

It's important to understand that having your finances in order is first a matter of luck and then a matter of personal responsibility. 

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